Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why does Bruno seem younger than nine?’

Bruno seems younger than for a number of reasons. One would be that Bruno, as described, is very short for his age therefore making him seem younger. Another reason would be that Bruno is very innocent and unaware of the things around him which makes him ask a lot of questions and look at things from a smaller child’s perspective.

Bruno asks his father about the people outside their house at Auschwitz. His father answers “They’re not people at all Bruno.”(p.53) Discuss the horro

When his father made that statement it really shows that his father has been deeply influenced and don’t take Jews as human beings. It also shows how deeply the father has been brainwashed into thinking that Jews are not human beings that he can speak of this to his own son without even hesitating. This statement would make Bruno curious, because of his innocence, he make that that as if there are real animals inside the fence. Since he is very bored and lonely in the “Out With” he would want to find someone or something to do therefore have people and what he thinks are real animals over the fence it would make him want to go over even more.

What is it about the house at Out-With that makes Bruno fell “Cold and unsafe?” How is this feeling perpetuated as he encounters people like Pavel , M

The Out-With in general just has a really cold and dark atmosphere with all the stone buildings and the g greyed out areas in the place. Especially since when Bruno has came from a place with lots of people and things happening and how he can go anywhere and do exploring in the whole of Berlin, but now he is not even allowed to go exploring at the back of Out-With. Also by meeting people like Pavel and Shmuel, it makes the place have an even colder atmosphere because of how sad Pavel and Shmuel seems. The feeling of unsafeness is made worst by Lt. Kotler’s behaviors, who yelled at Pavel and even beaten Pavel when he spilled something on him, also it makes Bruno really wonder why no one even helped, or stops Kotler from beating Pavel.

In a traditional fable, characters are usually one-dimensional. How might Bruno and Gretel might be considered one-dimensional.

In fables the characters are usually one dimensional, where they just express one kind of feeling or thought. For example in many fables they often use stereotypes or just one dimensional thoughts, like in “Little Red Riding Hood” the wolf is like the stereotypical evil person who uses tricks and other things to get their way while Red Riding Hood is just the innocent kid who knows of nothing and would just listen to what is being told to her. In this case with “The Boy in The Stripe Pyjamas”, Bruno and Gretel would be considered one-dimensional because, Bruno is just like Little Red Riding Hood, with the whole innocent kid personality, where he knows of nothing and only see things how a little kid would see it. Whereas Gretel have the stereotypical mean, know-it-all, older sister act where she thinks she is good at everything, knows everything and believes that his younger brother is never good enough for her, just like as if he is just a burden.

Question 8- Trains

When Bruno left to “Out-With” he was on a train which was very empty, parallel to it was another train which was very crowded with people. Soon when Shmuel tells Bruno that he came on an overcrowded train, that Bruno realized the people in strip pyjamas came on the overcrowded train. This symbolized that at first, Bruno and Shmuel’s lives were running parallel to each other, completely different and never meeting, but it somehow, their lives still came together and met each other. The trains also symbolized a one way ticket, or death because they both went on the train, however none of them got back.


A uniform is something that differentiates between normal people and the ones in uniform. For the most part the people in uniforms have more power or authority however in some cases, like prisoner uniforms, they have less. When people are dressed in uniforms they will feel more special than other and have more power, some can choose to abuse these powers they get for wearing the uniforms. When this happens they will change their behaviors because of the power than have over another and starting treating them badly. However there are other who will honor what they wear, i.e. policemen, so they will behave more polite, lawful, ect. What one wear can also change how others see them. For example, a business man or women’s uniform will make them look very formal and can make others think they are very honest and reliable, while others like gangster clothes, could make people feel unsafe about being near them.