Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is it about the house at Out-With that makes Bruno fell “Cold and unsafe?” How is this feeling perpetuated as he encounters people like Pavel , M

The Out-With in general just has a really cold and dark atmosphere with all the stone buildings and the g greyed out areas in the place. Especially since when Bruno has came from a place with lots of people and things happening and how he can go anywhere and do exploring in the whole of Berlin, but now he is not even allowed to go exploring at the back of Out-With. Also by meeting people like Pavel and Shmuel, it makes the place have an even colder atmosphere because of how sad Pavel and Shmuel seems. The feeling of unsafeness is made worst by Lt. Kotler’s behaviors, who yelled at Pavel and even beaten Pavel when he spilled something on him, also it makes Bruno really wonder why no one even helped, or stops Kotler from beating Pavel.

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